Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On 2011: Maple-Bourbon Hot Chocolate

-Because chocolate and hooch are a fabulous way to hitch off the old year.-

Last year on my New Year's post I dwelled on the importance of resolutions. That, no, I don't believe that they're worthless if you pick goals that are both achievable, self improving, and allow for a bit of fun. When accomplished they're small lampposts that illuminate the year in your life. Tiny memories that may not be significant in your grand adventure but that you will remember regardless.  Memories to reflect on, skills gathered to call upon, knowledge gained to draw from.

2011's list was short and sweet:
  • Learn to play mahjong.
  • Learn to make beef bourguignon.
  • Learn to make macarons.
  • Finish the thesis.
  • Burn a copy of the finished thesis out of spite.
  • Start that project with Stephanie.
  • Perfect making crepes.
As of today, 2012, here's how it looks
  • Learn to play mahjong.
  • Learn to make beef bourguignon.
  • Learn to make macarons.
  • Finish the thesis.
  • Burn a copy of the finished thesis out of spite.
  • Start that project with Stephanie.
  • Perfect making crepes.
Not bad. Not bad at all.

-Still, I do wish I had gotten to those crepes. Probably could have found time if it wasn't for all the bourbon.-

Still, it's not complete. This could be viewed as a failure.

Here's the thing about resolutions that I didn't get into last year, though. If you don't do them all, it's not the end of the world. Don't kick yourself if you didn't learn to scuba dive, make homemade sausage, or take that road trip to Santa Fe.

Life won't end.

Things come up. Deaths, births, changes in work, new friends, new projects, new goals, travel... The Unexpected Happens.

The only thing to be ashamed of is if you didn't get to them because you didn't try. There is no excuse for laziness, sloth, or apathy. The only place to lay the blame in this instance is yourself. Man (or woman) up to it.

-Don't be such a wuss about it.-

For me those two unresolved resolutions are a mix of both. Could I have found time? Yes. There were days I was lazing about, but I was lazing about because I was exhausted. Is this an excuse? Yes. That's fine though. I own it. But I'm at peace with it because damn it, I worked hard this year.

That Master's program beat me down; a rhetorical bludgeoning with a lead pipe and a 300+ page academic work with my name on it. A beating encouraged by myself and headed by two angry advisers with PhD's.

Immediately after the thesis Stephanie and I went right to work on the proposal. More research. More time. More notes. More writing. More. More. MORE. Goals always demand more and once you've given it your all you need to look down and find your reserves because goals want every speck of energy you got. If your brain doesn't hurt, your muscles don't ache, and your eyes don't blur, then you are doing it wrong.

But we did. And we did it right.

Our reward for achieving the goal was the privilege to work even harder at the next one. Cooking practically every day. At least here I could legitimately claim that I did not have time for those two resolutions.

Sorry, no time for cooking because I'm too busy cooking.

And I love it.

-Why wouldn't I?-

2011 was a great year. Yes, it was stressful. Yes, my apartment flooded, became infected with an undying Lovecraftian mold whose name and stench could drive you mad, and I had to move. Yes, I had more than a few meltdowns from school and work.

But 2011 was a blessing. I found a new job I loved. I wrote for Gourmet; a life long goal of mine. I got to do new writing assignments and from that worked with some amazing editors, publishers, writers, and photographers. I started teaching writing classes. I spoke at some pretty nifty conferences. I met some extraordinary people. I got my Master's. I earned a book deal. I got engaged to a man I love. I traveled to China.

So I didn't perfect beef bourguignon. So what? In the grand scheme of things I'm okay with that. 2011 will get over it. After all there's still 2012 and, God willing, many more years still.

I did, however, find time today to sit down and have a glass of hot chocolate. Something I have been meaning to do all winter so far. Not really a resolution mind you, but a desire. Sometimes those need fulfilling as well.

Admittedly, those desires are easier to achieve if they involve booze and chocolate. So there's that.

Happy New Year, everyone.

Maple-Bourbon Hot Chocolate
Serves 4

18 ounces whole milk
4 ounce dark chocolate
1 tablespoon dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons maple syrup
pinch of salt
4 ounces of bourbon

1. Finely chop the chocolate into small pieces. The pieces have to be able to dissolve easily in the liquid.

2. Place the milk into a small, thick-bottomed pot on low heat and bring to a low simmer. Whisk once in a while to ensure that the milk doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.

3. Add the brown sugar, salt, maple syrup, and chocolate and whisk vigorously until the chocolate has melted.

4. Heat for another 4 minutes, constantly stirring. Add the bourbon at the last minute and serve into mugs. Indulge silently.


  1. Oh my God, you BURNED a copy of your thesis?!?! I love that. My one goal this year is to finish my damn thesis. I can't even think about anything else right now. Okay, okay...I want to make caramels and I want to make macarons. And cook with goat. That's all.

    After the year you've had, you definitely deserve a cocktail! Can't wait for more news on the book.

  2. You've had an incredible year full of exciting life events! Your adventures
    always bring a smile to my face. One night not too long ago, I indulged in some hot chocolate with a tad bit of Bailey's and had the best night of sleep I've had in years-- can't wait to try your Maple-Bourbon hot chocolate.

  3. I so enjoy reading your blog! Just made this hot chocolate and it is scrumptious! Thank you for sharing!

  4. You lovely lovely person you. I now have a new way of looking at life: is my glass half empty, half full, or Half bourbon? Seriously! There's 4 ounces! I love it! And I love what you said about goals: if your eyes aren't blurring, you aren't doing it right. Looking back on 2011, I don't ask myself what I accomplished. I only ask myself "Did I love well?" Thank you for a year of Most Excellent posts and recipes and (forgive me this pun) Write on!

  5. Brianne: Yes. Very cathartic. Best of luck this year on yours!

    Lori: Oooh, I have to try this with Bailey's. Excellent idea. =D

    Chris: So glad you liked it!

  6. Also, everything about this meme reminds me of you: http://m.quickmeme.com/Condescending-Literary-Pun-Dog/?upcoming

  7. I'm pretty sure the serving size is incorrect. You meant 1 (lg.) serving, didn't you? ; )

  8. whoa! that's pretty impressive -- all but two from your 2011 list! :) i think beef bourguignon would be a cinch for you considering all the tasty treats you always make. happy 2012!

  9. Happy New Year, Garrett! :)

    I wish I saved a copy of my thesis to burn too. What a grand idea!

  10. "The only thing to be ashamed of is if you didn't get to them because you didn't try. There is no excuse for laziness, sloth, or apathy. The only place to lay the blame in this instance is yourself."--I love this. I think so many people set out to do things and then just don't even give it a shot and don't hold themselves accountable, which is worse than not succeeding. I think your year sounds pretty damn successful. Congrats!

  11. You definitely did better on your list of resolutions than me! I like to think of it as ensuring purpose for 2012. And as for this maple-bourbon hot chocolate business...good way to end the year AND start the year too :)

  12. I am confused as to how one cup of milk and half a cup of bourbon turns into 4 servings of hot chocolate.

  13. Avis:Ah, you caught a typo. Yes, it should be 18, not 8. And yes, believe me, this stuff is rich, it will serve four.

  14. Sarah & Stay at home: thank you! I'm sure both your years were just as successful though. =D

  15. I love it that I can come to VG and get perspective! I completed a goal last year - publishing a recipe - but my blog fizzled. Thanks for helping me to see I'm not hopeless!! Thing I'll give 'One Simple Thing' another try...

    Would still love a copy of that thesis if you're willing! Meanwhile, going downstairs to make some of this hot chocolate (sans bourbon, I don't drink, but I'm thinking a little of my rum flavoring might be nice) and then settling in to read back blog posts on your site. I've missed a few, no time like the present!


  16. Sarcla - Go to garrettmccord.com for a copy of the thesis. =D Glad to have you back, too. And no worries on the blog - the important thing is you tried rather than not at all.


Hey, you're leaving a comment! That's pretty darn cool, so thanks. If you have any questions or have found an error on the site or with a recipe, please e-mail me and I will reply as soon as possible.